Saturday, July 12, 2008, i am a slacker....

a lot has happened since i last posted....

  1. i got a new job....i start working a 3+ month contract up in helena on monday. happily, i am returning to infrastructure project management
  2. we bought a new (used) vehicle...we picked a 2004 audi a6, and are enjoying it VERY much (especially the gas mileage)
  3. i started my summer quarter this past feels great to get back to school!
  4. i stared boxing (and i love it)!!!!!
oh, and here are the training logs for this past week:



all rounds 2 minutes - 45 seconds rest

warm up - 
3 rounds racquet ball dribbling
20 arm scissors
10 body circles left side
10 body circles right side
10 right side lunges
with 10 jabs in the center position between lunges
10 left side lunges with 10 jabs in the center position between lunges
40 calf raises

bag work - 
3 rounds left jabs
3 rounds right crosses
3 rounds moving jab/cross combos
3 rounds left hook
3 rounds right hook
3 rounds moving jab/cross and hook combos


power walked three miles with the puppy


still in too much pain to head back to the gym for more boxing (i was hoping to go every tues, thurs and sat), so i will take advantage of my quickly-ending-open schedule to go tomorrow with the man instead, allowing for an extra day of recovery.

today, i walked the dog for just under two miles.


let me just say that i am amazingly happy at the moment... 

tonight was BOXING 

all rounds were 2 minutes with 30 seconds rest - 

3 rounds jump rope
3 rounds racquet ball dribbling
2 rounds crunches
1 round modified pushups
3 rounds uppercut bag
3 rounds double end bag
2 rounds lower ab work mixed with punching drill (lay on floor, raise legs to 90 degrees, stand up and jab, cross, jab)
2 rounds focus mitts in the ring (it looks like i have a powerful right hook and right uppercut  

1 comment:

Dirty said... out as much as you long as you know that i could still take you in like 2 rounds...

...where's my damn ipod mix...jerkass??