Friday, November 23, 2007

the toxic avenger takes a bride...

it is official...i am toxic....for the net three days, anyway. at 7 am this morning, i got up and applied my emla cream...went to the hospital at 8 to have the port accessed and blood done...labs came back an hour later showing that one of my five white blood cell counts was a little low, but since i wasn't having any symptoms of a cold or anything, we were to go ahead with the, 2 hours later, i am pumped full of chemicals....out of the cancer center by noon, picking teeny up from daycare as 12:15, to the store for some supplies, and then back home for thanksgiving leftovers and (drum roll please) the shaving of my, here it is:

so now, i am getting tired...i have already taken the anti nausea meds (just in case), and i am ready for some water and then a nap. i am sure i will write more later as side effects come...and go....


Denise said...

you are so hot! love ya gal cant wait to see you

Amy said...

Now you look just like I remember you from HS!

Thinking of you- AA