Monday, August 11, 2008

...and so we start another week....

up at the crack of dawn....leaving the most beautiful man on the planet fast asleep, snuggled up in our bed (it is HARD to leave in the mornings....i get a bit cranky) to work, had a meeting with the cio where i learned that they are guaranteeing my contract through the end of april which is an extension from what i hear 2 weeks ago of a guarantee through the end of the year. it is a happy day.

i also got to train after is the breakdown:

4 minute rounds - 1 minute rest
4 rounds jumping rope

2 minute rounds - 1 minute rest
3 rounds elevated leg medicine ball crunches
2 rounds toe touch crunches
1 round modified pushups
3 rounds medicine ball slams with an added triceps extension
2 rounds leg lifts

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