Monday, February 16, 2009

vini, vidi, vici - training for the day (2/16/09)

as of this morning, my weight has increased to 144.4 lbs, but my body fat % has remained the same. i am continuing to build muscle mass without adding fat (though i feel pudgier than when i had finished the v-diet a few weeks ago)...

today's program was a repeat of last monday, and my numbers are improving!!! i will list last weeks sets in parentheses to show the strength gain.

1. 25 Deadlifts @135 lbs - 15/10 (11/7/7)
2. 50 weighted calf raises (40 lb vest) - 50 (40/10)
3. 3 sets chin-ups (negs only) - 9/5/4 (7/3/2) <---arms completely fatigued out
4. 50 pushups (mod) - 25/20/5 (15/15/10/10)
5. 50 triceps pushdowns - 30/15/5 (30/15/5)
6. 50 hammer curls (15 lbs db) - 17/13/15/5 (12/10/10/9/9)
7. 30 db wrist curls (15 lbs) - 30
8. 50 kb side bends (26lbs) - 50 left/50 right
9. 50 crunches
10. 50 leg raises

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