Saturday, February 28, 2009

vini, vidi, vici - training for the day (2/28/09)

i have had to switch my training days and times since i will now be driving 3 1/2 - 4 hours a day for work. my boss agreed, however, to let me leave early on monday's and wednesday's, so now i will be training on monday, wednesday and saturday evenings; saturdays will be my heavy days since i will have two days rest before we started this pattern:

1) deadlifts
- 44 lbs x 8 (warm up set 1)
- 80 lbs x 10 (warm up set 2)
- 25 155 lbs: 8/6/6/5

2) bench press
- 45 lbs x 12
- 65 lbs x 8
- 85 lbs: 5/4/4

3) chin-ups - partials + negatives
- 25: 10/10/5

4) single leg calf raises
-2 sets 25/leg

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